Mobile-IP Mailing List Archive (partial)

   1  06/09 Steve Deering      Welcome to the mobile-ip mailing list<<As agreed at the San Diego IE
   2  06/23 Steve Deering      new draft of Columbia Mobile IP spec<<A new draft of the Columbia sp
   3  06/23 Steve Deering      Sony Host Migration papers<<A number of recent papers by Teraoka et 
   4  07/17  Rough draft of another RFC<<Here is a rough draft of an RFC for anot
   5  07/17  Andrew Myles excellent commentary<<First, I have to thank Andrew for
   6  07/17  Major differences between two proposals<<While there a certainly poi
   7  07/20 Andrew Myles       IBM Critique<<Following is a VERY preliminary set of comments on the
   8  07/20 Andrew Myles       IBM Critique<<G'day Charlie, > First, I have to thank Andrew for his
   9  07/20 Zheng Wang         comment on ibm's proposal<<First, I must say that using loose source
  10  07/20 Zheng Wang         another mobile-ip scheme<<Here is a very rough draft: A Simple Schem
  11  07/20 Erik Nordmark      Mobility and internet multicast<<There are a couple of IP Multicast 
  12  07/20 TERAOKA Fumio      Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<Short comment on Sony's approarch (VIP
  13  07/21 Zheng Wang         Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<>> 6) The route for packets destined t
  14  07/21 Andrew Myles       Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<G'day, I am not sure that this is "ano
  15  07/21 Ruixi Yuan         Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<> >> 6) The route for packets destined
  16  07/21 Andrew Myles       Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<G'day Fumio Re: optimal routing I wrot
  17  07/21 TERAOKA Fumio      VIP draft<<I put the draft of Sony's method (VIP) in our anonymous f
  18  07/22 Zheng Wang         Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<>> If the tracking is done by the fixe
  19  07/22 Andrew Myles       Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<> >> 6) The route for packets destined
  20  07/22 Andrew Myles       Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<G'day, > - If MH doesn't change addres
  21  07/22  another mobile-ip scheme<<Ref: Your note of Wed, 22 Jul 1992 02:03:1
  22  07/22 Andrew Myles       Re: another mobile-ip scheme<<G'day, > >> If the tracking is done by
  23  07/22 minshall@wc.novel  "Short-cut routing..."<<These are comments on Charlie Perkins and Ya
  24  07/23 reichert@electrum  Intra-Cell Communication<<Hi, COMMENTS on "Direct Intra-Cell Communi
  25  07/23 Ruixi Yuan         Re: Intra-Cell Communication<<>COMMENTS on "Direct Intra-Cell Commun
  26  07/23 reichert@electrum  Re: Intra-Cell Communication<<Comments on the reply from Ruixi. 1. >
  27  07/23 Pierre Dupont      Mobile data networks<<The discussions in this working group have foc
  28  07/23 Brian Lloyd        Mobile data networks<<Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1992 17:53:36 PDT From: dupo
  29  07/23 John Ioannidis     Mobile data networks<<[[ I know I've dropped out from the list -- I'
  30  07/23 Daniel Duchamp     Concerns about IBM Loose Source Routing proposal<<After reading the 
  31  07/23 John Ioannidis     Concerns about IBM Loose Source Routing proposal<<> > After reading 
  32  07/23 Gerald Q. Maguire  Mobile data networks<<Is the model of Wide area coverage really only
  33  07/23 Gerald Q. Maguire  Mobile data networks<<You state: " Since there is likely to be littl
  34  07/24 John Ioannidis     Re: Concerns about IBM Loose Source Routing proposal<<> > G'day ji, 
  35  07/24 TERAOKA Fumio      Re: SONY Protocol<<>I was having a quick look at the latest VIP spec
  36  07/24 Andrew Myles       SONY Protocol<<G'day all, I was having a quick look at the latest VI
  37  07/24 Andrew Myles       Re: Concerns about IBM Loose Source Routing proposal<<G'day ji, Re: 
  38  07/24 Pierre Dupont      Re: Mobile data networks<<>From Thu J
  39  07/24 Pierre Dupont      Re: Mobile data networks<<>From Thu J
  40  07/26 John Ioannidis     Mobile*IP Code available now<<Hi, I've finally put together a releas
  41  01/14  network layer mobility<<Folks, Below is a proposal on supporting mob
  42  01/20  Columbia MICP protocol/router problem<<We think there is a fundament
  43  02/11 lillie@comm.mot.c  Mobility and Routing (was Metro Addressing)<<I have been following t
  44  02/11 Paul Tsuchiya      Re: Mobility and Routing (was Metro Addressing)<<I'll confess that I
  45  02/16 Steve Deering      Re: Columbus IETF announcement?<<Jim, There will be two mobile-ip se
  46  04/05  Subcommittee on nomenclature<<This note is to announce the formation
  47  04/05  Announcing working committee on beaconing<<This is to announce the f
  48  04/05 Tony DeSimone      Re: Announcing working committee on beaconing<<>>>>> On Mon, 5 Apr 1
  49  04/05 Tony DeSimone      a mobility scenario<<I don't know how many of you were trying to get
  50  04/05 Tony DeSimone      Re: a mobility scenario<<OK, my own fault... The hope was to prompt 
  51  04/06 Phil Karn          Re: Announcing working committee on beaconing<<Charlie, I'm interest
  52  04/13 Man-Hyuk Park      <<How are you, Dr. Jim Rees ? I am a student of Hanyang University i
  53  04/19  Beacon proposals<<O.K. Let's have some. Here's an idea: Suppose that
  54  04/19 George Forman      Reverse Beacon & Idle Beacon proposal<<Subject: Reverse Beacon & Idl
  55  04/19  Reverse Beacon & Idle Beacon proposal<<Ref: Your note of Mon, 19 Apr
  56  04/19 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  Re: Reverse Beacon & Idle Beacon proposal<<It is also not immediatel
  57  04/19 George Forman - G  Reverse Beacon & Idle Beacon proposal<<>It seems to me that this ide
  58  04/19 "John Penners"     Charlie's Beaconing Proposa<<Subject: Time:1:42 PM OFFICE MEMO Charl
  59  04/20  Beaconing<<One good thing about beacons is that they allow MHs to be
  60  04/20 John Penners       Charlie's Beaconing Proposal<<>Suppose lastly the MASs are to be mad
  61  04/21 Pierre Dupont      Re: Beaconing<<>From: "Colin G. Harrison"  >To: m
  62  04/21 "Colin G. Harriso  Beaconing<<In looking at the recent traffic on beaconing, the major 
  63  04/29  An attempt at a glossary (Mobile IP terminology committee)<<A few pe
  64  04/29 Brian Marsh        WWOS CFP<<The following call is for the next Workshop on Workstation
  65  04/29 Daryl Jones        Mobile IP for police<<The South San Francisco Police Department (SSF
  66  05/05  IEEE Liaison position statement<<I have developed the following shor
  67  05/05  Network Layer requirements<<The "Position Statement" I posted just n
  68  05/05 minshall@wc.novel  Re: IEEE Liaison position statement<<Charlie, On your position state
  69  05/05  requirements; Position Statement<<>>protocol (for us, Internet Proto
  70  05/05 Pierre Dupont      Re: IEEE Liaison position statement<<Greg, Charlie, > >On your posit
  71  05/05  Re: IEEE Liaison position statement<<>Another data link service that
  72  05/05 minshall@wc.novel  Re: requirements; Position Statement<<Charlie, >Of course, a system 
  73  05/06  IEEE 802.11 Liaison<<I took Pierre's suggestions and incorporated th
  74  05/07 Pierre Dupont      Working sub-groups<<As I recall from the Columbus meeting, we had ag
  75  05/10  Working sub-groups<<Ref: Your note of Fri, 7 May 1993 15:27:04 PDT >
  76  05/11 minshall@wc.novel  Re: Beaconing<<Hi, all. I think that Colin Harrison and Pierre Dupon
  77  05/12  User Requirements<<Folks, Below is a draft of the User Requirements 
  78  05/28 Charles Kaufman d  Is anyone thinking about "IP redirects"?<<I am working on a problem 
  79  06/14 arup acharya       Tech Reports on Mobile Computing<<Hello! The following tech reports/
  80  06/14  comments on Charlie Perkins latest IBM draft<<Comments on "Providing
  81  06/15 Steve Deering      Re: Paper describing some of our work so far<<> I put two copies of 
  82  06/17 Kenneth Carlberg   Re: comments on Charlie Perkins latest IBM draft<<Hello, > 4. ... th
  83  06/23 Phil Karn          Re: Your Comparison Paper<<At 11:19 AM 6/18/93 PDT, Andrew Myles wro
  84  06/30 andreas keppler c  <<Hi Mobile IP Working Group!!! I'm just starting to work on Authent
  85  06/30  Updated terminology proposal<<I've been sadly remiss in getting this
  86  06/30  Beaconing proposal(s)<<Before the IETF meeting occurs, I need to sum
  87  06/30 Phil Karn          Re: Beaconing proposal(s)<<I have not looked at the beaconing propos
  88  07/01 Andrew Myles       Re: Beaconing proposal(s)<<G'day all, > But seriously, folks, there 
  89  07/14 Sharpened Softwar  Re: Beaconing proposal(s)<<> >I envision a cellular data service as 
  90  07/14 Mohsen Banan       Was Re: Beaconing proposal(s) -- Now: CDPD<<>>>>> On Wed, 14 Jul 199
  91  07/15 minshall@wc.novel  Internet Drafts<<Hello, all. A number of people have drafts of propo
  92  07/19  Terminology Subcommittee status report<<There was much discussion at
  93  07/19  Beaconing Subcommittee report<<The mobile-IP Working Group discussed
  94  07/22 minshall@wc.novel  minutes from Amsterdam meeting + interim meeting<<Hi, all. John John
  95  07/28  arp/or no? between Base Station and Mobile Host<<"To Arp or Not to A
  96  08/06 minshall@wc.novel  mobile-ip wg interim meeting - time and place!<<Hi, all. Sorry to ta
  97  08/12  Requirements for mobile IP<<Folks, Appended is a revised draft of th
  98  08/17 tomasz imielinski  Mobile IP and PCN proposals<<Hi, I have been following some of the w
  99  08/17 Steve Deering      Re: Mobile IP and PCN proposals<<Tomasz, You raise an important conc
 100  08/20  Terminology<<A recent note decried the lack of standard terminology.
 101  08/27 tardo@tardo.lkg.d  Re: Basic question (CDPD compatibility)<<I am one who spent an eveni
 102  08/27 Lee Tjio           Re: Basic question (CDPD compatibility)<<>In contrast to CDPD, some 
 103  09/16  <<Good news, I think! ****** The following is a COPY ***************
 104  09/16 Ruixi Yuan         Triangular routing<<Charlie: > >Good news, I think! > >****** The fo
 105  09/18 minshall@wc.novel  DRAFT DRAFT Minutes of interim meeting of the mobile-ip WG<<Hi, all.
 106  09/22 "Alan (A.R.) Quir  Weak Security<<At the interim meeting we agreed on Weak Security for
 107  09/23  IEEE 802.11 liaison report<<I made an hour-long presentation to the 
 108  10/18 Steve Parker       (mobile-ip 477) Administrivia again...<<As Steve Deering mentioned, 
 109  10/26 Pierre Dupont      (mobile-ip 504) Draft "IP Mobility"<<Here are my comments on the dra
 110  10/26     (mobile-ip 505) re draft, number of things <199310260440.VAA16946@be
 111  11/08 Ramon Caceres      (mobile-ip 547) Interaction between TCP and mobile IP<<The following
 112  11/15 "Charles A. Kunzi  (mobile-ip 552) An Update on Mobility Draft....<<Last week, Jim Solo
 113  11/17 minshall@wc.novel  (mobile-ip 562) draft minutes for IETF<<Here is the draft minutes fo
 114  01/27 Steve Deering      (mobile-ip 694) interim Mobile IP WG meeting - Feb 21 & 22 in San Di
 115  02/01 Phil Karn          (mobile-ip 711) San Diego Interim Meeting Logistics<<As previously a
 116  02/14 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 736) Mobile IP thoughts...<<In order to better explain ou
 117  02/15 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip 739) Host Agent DNS Extension proposal<<---------- X-Sun-
 118  02/16 Phil Karn          (mobile-ip 749) Update on San Diego meeting<<I've appended a list of
 119  02/19 zao@das.harvard.e  (mobile-ip 831) Two Weakly Secured MH-HA Registration Protocols<<Dea
 120  02/21 Phil Karn          (mobile-ip 833) Mobile IP meeting on the MBONE<<Just in case the wor
 121  02/25 Steve Deering      (mobile-ip 837) Mobile IP meeting in Seattle<<We have scheduled two 
 122  02/27 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 838) Using RFC 1144 header compression with GRE<<Folks, F
 123  02/28 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 840) Using RFC 1144 header compression with GRE<<Bob, If 
 124  02/28 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 841) Patent 5,159,592<<I expect IBM will make this availa
 125  02/28 "Robert L. Geiger  (mobile-ip 843) Using RFC 1144 header compression with GRE <19940228
 126  02/23 Phil Karn          <<At the IAB retreat and elsewhere, several people said that confide
 127  02/28 Phil Karn          (mobile-ip 847) Patent 5,159,592<<The abstract: "Apparatus and metho
 128  03/01 Hakan.Mitts@vtt.f  (mobile-ip 858) OK, a secure tunnel|<<Hello, Phil wrote: >For exampl
 129  03/01 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip 873) Minutes, San Diego, Feb 21-22.<<An interim meeting o
 130  03/02 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 880) Patent 5,159,592<<I have initiated the process of ma
 131  03/02 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip 882) re: Minutes, San Diego, Feb 21-22.<<Corrections to (
 132  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 885) Comments - Sec 1<<G'day all, Some comments on the dr
 133  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 886) Comments - Sec 2<<G'day all, Some more comments on t
 134  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 887) Comments - Sec 3<<G'day all, Some more comments on t
 135  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 888) Comments - Sec 4<<G'day all, Some more comments on t
 136  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 889) Comments - new packets<<G'day all, Here are my new p
 137  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 890) Comments - Sec 5<<G'day all, Some more comments on t
 138  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 891) Comments - Sec 6<<G'day all, Some more comments on t
 139  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 892) Comments - Sec 7<<G'day all, Some more comments on t
 140  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 893) Comments - Appendix<<G'day all, Some more comments o
 141  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 894) Comments -Acknowledgements.<<G'day all, Some more co
 142  03/23 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 895) A summary<<G'day all, In recent times I (and Dave Jo
 143  03/23 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 896) Re: A summary<<Whew! Let some others get a word in e
 144  03/23 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 898) Re: Comments - Sec 1<<Speaking as editor, I kept the
 145  03/23 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 899) A small error<<In reading through Andrew's messages,
 146  03/24 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 904) Re: Comments - Sec 1<<Andrew, I woke up this morning
 147  03/24 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 905) ARP and duplicate registrations<<I just had another 
 148  03/24 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 908) Operation on the Home Network -- a necessary feature
 149  03/25 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 911) Re: Comments - Sec 1<<G'day Bill, > I woke up this m
 150  03/25 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 912) Re: Comments - Sec 1<<G'day Yakov, > Let me suggest 
 151  03/25 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 917) Re: draft-ietf-mobileip-addr-ext-00.txt<<G'day all, 
 152  03/25 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 918) Re: draft-ietf-mobileip-addr-ext-00.txt<<> Local Car
 153  03/25 Didier Samfat      (mobile-ip 919) Audit data<<To members of the mobile-ip group: I'm a
 154  04/06 Steve Deering      (mobile-ip 958) changing of the guard<<Dear mobile-ip folk, As you m
 155  04/08 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 986) Re: Multi-protocol support<<More flexibility. ;-) My
 156  04/21 Greg Minshall      (mobile-ip 1025) Continue review of draft?<<Paul (and others), > At 
 157  05/18 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1151) Authentication proposal(s)<<The following proposal 
 158  05/18 Didier Samfat      (mobile-ip 1153) An other authentication protocol<<Last year, here a
 159  05/19 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1155) Re: Additional requirements (??): anonymity, key-di
 160  05/19 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1157) Re: Additional requirements (??)<<> > The security 
 161  05/17 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1142) whether FA's MUST discard undeliverable packets<<I 
 162  05/19 Phil Karn          (mobile-ip 1162) Authentication proposal(s)<<Charlie, Two thoughts. 
 163  05/20 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1163) Comments: Section 1<<G'day all, As promised, here i
 164  05/21 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1169) Comments: Sect. 2<<G'day all, Section 2 comments. A
 165  05/21 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1170) Comments: Sect. 3<<G'day all, Section 3 Andrew -- >
 166  05/21 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1171) Comments : Sect. 4<<G'day all, Section 4 Andrew -- 
 167  05/21 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1172) Comments: Sect. 5<<G'day all, Section 5. Am I suppo
 168  05/20 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1173) Comments on Sections 1-5<<Section 1, under Home Age
 169  05/20  (mobile-ip 1174) Comments on security, sections 1-5 of draft version
 170  05/20 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1180) Making progress: comments on later sections<<Sectio
 171  05/20 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1186) Re: Comments on security, sections 1-5 of draft ver
 172  05/20 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1185) Re: Comments: Sect. 5<<> From: Andrew Myles 173  05/21 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1187) Re: Comments: Sect. 3<<G'day Bill, > > I do not see
 174  05/21 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1188) Re: Comments: Sect. 2<<G'day Bill, > Apparently, yo
 175  05/20 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1189) Re: Comments on security, sections 1-5 of draft ver
 176  05/20 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 1197) Comments on Section 1 of draft 02<<Here are my comm
 177  05/20 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 1198) Comments on Section 2 of draft 02<<Here are my comm
 178  05/20 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 1201) Comments on Section 5 of draft 02<<Here are my comm
 179  05/20 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 1200) Comments on Section 4 of draft 02<<Here are my comm
 180  05/20 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 1199) Comments on Section 3 of draft 02<<Here are my comm
 181  05/21 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip 1203) brief security comment<<This is brief. More detail 
 182  05/22 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1207) brief security comment<<G'day Ran, I agree with mos
 183  05/21 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip 1208) HAs as routers, etc.<<Andrew, % Nope. If a MH asks 
 184  05/21 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1209) repeated crashes<<> From: Dave Johnson 185  05/21 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 1210) Incarnation Numbers<<> What about a Foreign Agent t
 186  05/21  (mobile-ip 1211) re: Comments on Section 3 of draft 02<<Reference: D
 187  05/21 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip 1212) Re: repeated crashes<<Bill, I just saw your reply t
 188  05/22 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1213) Private communication<<> % PS I suspect that you ar
 189  05/22 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1214) revised sections in -03<<Here are the sections in d
 190  05/21 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1215) Incarnation Numbers<<In looking back at the Router 
 191  05/22 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1217) brief security comment<<> > 1. There were extensive
 192  05/23 Hakan.Mitts@vtt.f  (mobile-ip 1218) Some more in point-to-point links<<Hello, I'm sorry
 193  05/23 smb@research.att.  (mobile-ip 1222) re: Comments on Section 3 of draft 02<<Re: prefix a
 194  05/23 Richard Fox        (mobile-ip 1223) HAs as routers, etc.<<> % Nope. If a MH asks someon
 195  05/23 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 1224) comments on Samfat's proposal<<In a recent note to 
 196  05/23 Randall Atkinson   (mobile-ip 1229) Charlie's comments<<Charlie, The current descriptio
 197  05/23  (mobile-ip 1236) re 1222: re:Comments on Section 3 of draft 02<<(bel
 198  05/24 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip 1241) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-03.txt<<--N
 199  05/26  (mobile-ip 1246) Bug in FA-HA auth extension (re: Bill's 1186)<<Refe
 200  05/26  (mobile-ip 1247) Re: Bill's Security finis<<Reference: Your note of 
 201  05/26  (mobile-ip 1248) re: Bill's 1239 (Re: prefix and suffix concatenatio
 202  05/24 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1243) Re: Some more on point-to-point links<<Redirected t
 203  05/24 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 1244) brief security comment<<While I have great confiden
 204  05/26  (mobile-ip 1249) We need a session key !?<<I have suggested session 
 205  05/26 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1250) Bug in FA-HA auth extension (re: Bill's 1186)<<I th
 206  05/26  (mobile-ip 1251) Bug in FA-HA auth extension (re: Tony)<<Reference: 
 207  05/26 Randall Atkinson   (mobile-ip 1252) sharing keys<<Amir, I do not believe your assertion
 208  05/26 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1253) Bug in FA-HA auth extension (re: Tony)<<Amir, Tony,
 209  05/27 Hakan.Mitts@vtt.f  (mobile-ip 1254) Security, proposal<<Hello, As the security discussi
 210  05/27 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1255) Security, proposal<<Hi, Many security problems for 
 211  05/27  (mobile-ip 1257) Re: 1254 Hakan's Security, proposal<<Reference: You
 212  05/27  (mobile-ip 1258) Re^2 Tony on: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<Referenc
 213  05/27 Randall Atkinson   (mobile-ip 1259) security rathole<<Amir, Use of IPv4 Security Protoc
 214  05/27  (mobile-ip 1260) Re: 1255 Tony re Security, proposal<<Reference: Ton
 215  05/26 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 1262) comparison of two authentication protocols<<In a re
 216  05/27 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1264) Re^2 Tony on: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<Therefor
 217  05/30  (mobile-ip 1277) Re: 1252 Ran on sharing keys<<In his note, Ran chal
 218  05/31 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 1283) Amir's comments<<Amir: Sir, what kind of narcotics 
 219  05/31 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip 1285) rathole mgmt<<Amir, I deeply regret and apologise f
 220  06/01 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1295) lifetimes & authentication<<G'day Dude! ;-) I agree
 221  06/01 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 1296) on cryptographic soundness<<In recent discussions i
 222  06/02 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1300) Scary thought<<G'day Tony, > Has anyone thought thr
 224  06/02 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip 1304) clarification<<Some clarifications: 1) The proposal
 225  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1307) Re: Scary thought<<> From: Tony Li  
 226  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1306) Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<> From: Tony Li 227  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1305) Re: Security finis<<I am trying to catch up through
 228  06/02 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1308) Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<> From: Tony Li 229  06/02  (mobile-ip 1309) Re: 1306 Bill Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<Bill
 230  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1310) Re: MAY or MUST<<> Are these two sections contradic
 231  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1311) Re: Incorporating Changes<<> Putting aside my views
 232  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1312) Appendix A<<Thanks for the 3 comments on sections 6
 233  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1313) Re: Section 6 & 7 comments<<> From:
 234  06/02 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1314) Implementation report: beaconing<<I have beacon gen
 235  06/03 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1315) Scary thought<<G'day Bob, > Yes, but my (possibly i
 236  06/03  (mobile-ip 1316) The Good Sir of Crypto Challenges Bill the Ironfist
 237  06/04 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1320) Re: Scary thought<<G'day Bill, > > Has anyone thoug
 238  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1321) Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<> From: amir@watso
 239  06/03 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1322) Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<> Bill is in error
 240  06/04 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1323) Re: 1315 Andrew re Scary thought<<G'day Amir, > # P
 241  06/03  (mobile-ip 1324) Re: 1315 Andrew re Scary thought<<But in fact using
 242  06/03 Bob Geiger         (mobile-ip 1325) Scary thought<<Andrew, > >There is nothing wrong wi
 243  06/03  (mobile-ip 1326) Re: Bill's 1322 Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<Re
 244  06/03  (mobile-ip 1327) Re: 1315 Andrew re Scary thought<<Reference: Your n
 245  06/03  (mobile-ip 1328) Re Bill's 1321) Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<Ho
 246  06/03 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip 1329) Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<In message <1994060315
 247  06/04 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1330) Beacons<<G'day all, I have been reflecting on Tony'
 248  06/03 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1332) More on beaconing: a bad design bug<<Scenario: MN o
 249  06/03 Bob Geiger         (mobile-ip 1333) Re: Scary thought<<Andrew, I'll chip in with my und
 250  06/03 Pierre Dupont      (mobile-ip 1334) Re: Bill's 1322 Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<Am
 251  06/03 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 1335) Re: 1315 Andrew re Scary thought<<The movement time
 252  06/04 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1336) Beacons<<G'day Tony, > There is NOTHING that preven
 253  06/04 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1337) More on beaconing: a bad design bug<<G'day Tony, > 
 254  06/04 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1338) Re: Scary thought<<G'day, > 5.) FA3 sees dest = MN1
 255  06/03 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1339) More on beaconing: a bad design bug<<G'day Andrew, 
 256  06/05  (mobile-ip 1340) Overriding "final" decisions<<Reference: Andrew's n
 257  06/05 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1341) Comments on sections 6-8<<Section 6, paragraph one 
 258  06/05  (mobile-ip 1342) Re: Tony's 1265 Re^2: MN-FA keys from the HA<<Refer
 259  06/05 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1343) Re: Tony's 1265 Re^2: MN-FA keys from the HA<<Amir,
 260  06/06 owner-mobile-ip@o  (mobile-ip 1345) More on beaconing: a bad design bug<<G'day Tony, > 
 261  06/07 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1347) Re: Overriding "final" decisions<<> From: amir@wats
 262  06/07 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1348) Re: More on beaconing: a bad design bug<<I skipped 
 263  06/07 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1346) Re: Interim meeting?<<Reading the weekend email bac
 264  06/07 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1349) Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<> From: dupont@mdd
 265  06/07 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1350) Re: Scary thought<<> From: (Bob
 266  06/07 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1353) Re: Bug in FA-HA auth extension<<Thank you for your
 267  06/07 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1354) Re: Overriding "final" decisions<<Bill, It seems to
 268  06/07 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1356) Re: Scary thought<<G'day Bill, While you were off t
 269  06/07 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1357) Re: Interim meeting?<<G'day Bill, > Actually, I bel
 270  06/08  (mobile-ip 1368) Timestamp vs. Freshness Challenge<<Reference: Bill'
 271  06/08 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip 1370) Timestamp vs. Freshness Challenge<<In this note I w
 272  06/08  (mobile-ip 1371) Jim Rees's 1370 re: Timestamp vs. Freshness Challen
 273  06/08 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip 1374) mobile-ip WG sessions in Toronto<<Folks, we have tw
 274  06/11 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip 1388) TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<I'll be gone for the next th
 275  06/12 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1390) Charlies' flurry<<In general, I support everything 
 276  06/12 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1393) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<> From:
 277  06/12 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1396) Re: Bill's response to Charlie's comments<<Bill, > 
 278  06/13 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip 1397) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<> I propose, in short, t
 279  06/13 Tony DeSimone      (mobile-ip 1398) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Rees 
 280  06/13  (mobile-ip 1401) Re: 1393) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<Reference: Bil
 281  06/13 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1402) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<> From: tds@hoserve.att.
 282  06/13 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip 1403) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<3) The value itself is o
 283  06/13 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1405) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<Amir, Bill, we proposed 
 284  06/14 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1406) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<> From: Jim.Rees@umich.e
 285  06/14 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1407) equally worthwhile authentication mechanisms<<> Fro
 286  06/14 Tony DeSimone      (mobile-ip 1409) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<>> >> I propose, in shor
 287  06/14 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip 1411) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<It doesn't? Well, I'm be
 288  06/14  (mobile-ip 1412) Re: Tony's 1405) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<Referen
 289  06/14 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1413) Tony's 1405) Re: TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<Amir, Our d
 290  06/14 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1415) Speaking for the Market<<> From: (
 291  06/16 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip 1418) Speaking for the Market<<G'day all, Bill wrote: > S
 292  06/15 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip 1419) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-04.txt<<--N
 293  06/15 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip 1420) Re: Interim meeting?<<Folks, With regards to holdin
 294  06/15 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip 1422) Timestamp Summary<<I've got my accumulated nit-pick
 295  06/15 Tony Li            (mobile-ip 1423) Timestamp Summary<<Alan, I appreciate your attempt 
 296  06/16 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip 1424) re: Timestamp Summary (1423)<<Tony, >The spec certa
 297  06/16 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip 1430) Procedural changes for mailing list<<Folks, First, 
 298  06/17 Greg Minshall      (mobile-ip 1437) Re: Overriding "final" decisions<<Tony, Bill, et al
 299  06/18  (mobile-ip 1446) Re: Bill's 1406 Re: NTP, TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<I'l
 300  06/19 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1455) sticking to the topic<<Amir, the reason that I have
 301  06/19  (mobile-ip 1456) Re: Bill's 1455) sticking to the topic<<I'll like t
 302  06/20 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip 1465) Re: Tony's 1458) re: Timestamp Summary (1423)<<Cloc
 303  06/21 Phil Karn          (mobile-ip 1472) Re: NTP, TimeStamps vs. Nonces<<>I think you'ld hav
 304  06/23 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip 1473) Gratuitous and Proxy ARP<<Bill, Here are some comme
 305  06/27 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip 1474) Topics for discussion<<Folks, Now that we have gone
 306  06/28 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip 1475) Timestamp Protocol<<In message 1474, Kannan just re
 307  06/28 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip 1476) Topics for discussion - revised and updated<<Folks,
 308  06/28 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip 1477) mobile ip ftp site?<<Is still our off
 309  06/28 Steve Parker       (mobile-ip 1478) mobile ip ftp site?<<Jim, - Is still 
 310  06/28 Richard Fox        (mobile-ip 1485) mobility extension<<>- Are we going to allow an box
 311  06/28 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip 1486) Re: Topics for discussion<<> From:
 312  06/29 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip 1487) Re: Topics for discussion<<Bill, >> From: kannan@se
 313  07/01 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip 1503) Partial mailing list archive available<<I've made a
 314  07/05 Steve Parker       (mobile-ip 1513) Mobile IP Transition...<<The Mobile IP stuff is all
 315  07/05 Majordomo@sunroof  Welcome to mobile-ip<<-- Welcome to the mobile-ip mailing list! If y
 316  07/05 Steve Parker       (mobile-ip) Mailing list moved...<<Okay, the mailing list has been m
 317  07/05 Greg Minshall      (mobile-ip) Re: protecting against replay attacks (E version)<<All, 
 318  07/08 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip) Timestamp Summary 3<<All messages between a mobile node 
 319  07/15 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Interesting internet draft<<People in this group might b
 320  07/15 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) Re: Interesting internet draft<<> People in this group m
 321  07/18 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip) udp port number assignment<<We have officially been assi
 322  07/18 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-05.txt<<--NextPa
 323  07/18  (mobile-ip) Converging timestamp proposals: counters, clocks, random
 324  07/19 "alan (a.r.) quir  Re: (mobile-ip) Converging timestamp proposal<<I've been reminded th
 325  07/20 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip) Timestamps AS nonces<<Ran, You like timestamps because y
 326  07/21 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Comments on draft proposal<<Here are a few comments on t
 327  07/21 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Handling sequence number rollover<<In section 4.1, it is
 328  07/21 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Authentication specification<<- Keyed MD5 is specified a
 329  07/22 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip) Timestamp Summary 4<<I was asked for a summary of all th
 330  07/22 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip) July '94 IETF: IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts WG (
 331  07/22 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Route optimization document<<I'm releasing this first pa
 332  08/08  (mobile-ip) IBM patents on key distribution and authentication<<Rece
 333  08/09 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) Validity of Patents<<> From: jhalpern@Newbridge.COM (Joe
 334  08/09 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) Re: IBM patents on key distribution and authentication<<
 335  08/09 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Patents<<After reading Simpson's intentionally bruising 
 336  08/09  (mobile-ip) Patents: fees, validity, and disclosure process.<<Let me
 337  08/14 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Replay protocols (summary)<<Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 17:33
 338  08/15 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) Re: Replay protocols (summary)<<Thank you, Ran. > We sho
 339  08/15 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Re: Bill's note<<A couple of quick comments because I do
 340  08/15 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Replay protocols (summary)<<Again, I must respond to
 341  08/15 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) Re: Replay protocols (summary)<<> From:
 342  08/16 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Replay protocols (summary)<<G'day all, Bill Simp
 343  08/16 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) The role of Editor<<> From: Andrew Myles <andrewm@avalon
 344  08/16 Fred Baker         Re: (mobile-ip) The role of Editor<<At 5:16 PM 8/16/94 +0000, Willia
 345  08/16 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) The role of Editor<<Bill, >The Editor is not the ser
 346  08/17 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) The role of Editor<<G'day Bill, > > You are not God.
 347  08/19 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip) The role of Editor<<Folks, I've been distracted (i.e., o
 348  08/19 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip) Dave Johnson's summary of WG meeting<<These are the note
 349  09/09 "alan (a.r.) quir  (mobile-ip) List Silence<<I'm just back from vacation. There was a b
 350  09/11 "William Allen Si  Re: (mobile-ip) List Silence<<> I wonder though if the mail exploder
 351  09/21 Dave Johnson       (mobile-ip) Mobility Support in IPv6<<Charlie Perkins, Andrew Myles,
 352  09/26 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) Re: Mobility Support in IPv6<<Majordomo blew up last wee
 353  09/26 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Mobility Support in IPv6<<Again, I feel compelle
 354  09/26 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-06.txt<<--NextPa
 355  09/26 "William Allen Si  (mobile-ip) Re: Mobility Support in IPv6<<> From:
 356  09/27 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip) Re: (IPng) Re: Mobility Support in IPv6<<G'day Bill, > J
 357  09/27 Joel Halpern       Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Mobility Support in IPv6<<If you are going to qu
 358  10/13 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) Status of implmentors meeting...<<G'day Eric, > I ha
 359  10/12 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip) mobileip announcements<<Folks, This message is an attemp
 360  10/13 Joel Halpern       (mobile-ip) Mobile IP Working Group Leadership<<Greg Minshall has as
 361  10/19 Steve Parker       (mobile-ip) New volunteer needed...<<Due to other pressures on my ti
 362  10/19 Richard Fox        (mobile-ip) Comments on last spec.<<Charlie, Here are some comments 
 363  10/19 tasman@BBN.COM     (mobile-ip) thesis available<<Hi. I recently completed a Ph.D. thesi
 364  10/20 " "                Re: (mobile-ip) Message authentication method<<Hi all, I'll try to r
 365  10/20 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) New protocol documents<<I've finally managed to back-tra
 366  10/20 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Authentication<<Tony pretty much clarified why implement
 367  10/21 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) A proposed agenda<<Kannan and I had extensive discussion
 368  10/21 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Some topics for discussion<<Here are some issues which s
 369  10/21 owner-mobile-ip@s  (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-06.txt(bis)<<I've been obse
 370  10/22 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Home Address Extension versus Registration packets<<As f
 371  10/23 owner-mobile-ip@s  (mobile-ip) comments on draft 6 and charlie's Q's<<Charlie, I had se
 372  10/24 Bob Lukas          Re: (mobile-ip) Cellular Phone Fraud Operator Arrested (Summary and 
 373  10/24 Vernon Schryver    Re: (mobile-ip) Some topics for discussion<<> How do you force machi
 374  10/23 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Implementation experience<<As there appear to be multipl
 375  10/23 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-07.txt<<I have absolutely r
 376  10/25 "C. Toh"           (mobile-ip) Re: ATM and mobility<<With regard to steve bush's quiry 
 377  10/25 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<A quick subset of commen
 378  10/25 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<Tony, > >7. Should U
 379  10/25 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<3. Keep the "F" bit. Sug
 380  10/25 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-07.txt<<My comments on draf
 381  10/26 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Keys<<Andrew, You just made an argument that you want to
 382  10/26 Ajay Bakre         (mobile-ip) I-TCP: Indirect TCP for Mobile Hosts<<Hi everybody, This
 383  10/27 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) SHOULD/MUST and the F bit...<<G'day Tony, > > The im
 384  10/27 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) SHOULD/MUST and the F bit...<<> No one has shown any sit
 385  11/01 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Re: Keys and consensus<<In message <199411010007.QAA2278
 386  11/01 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Keys and consensus<<I certainly haven't yet read
 387  11/01 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) 'F' bit<<> Co-chair: So it appears that we have cons
 388  11/01 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Gratuitous ARP & Misc comments<<Charlie, I don't want Gr
 389  11/02 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Gratuitous ARP & Misc comments<<To the others who ha
 390  11/02 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Key identifiers<<Alert: I haven't yet read the ospf-md5 
 391  11/02 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<> > Date: Fri, 21 Oc
 392  11/02 Brijesh.Kumar@mdd  Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Keys and consensus<<In the previous message, And
 393  11/02 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) A protocol number for minimal encapsulation<<------- For
 394  11/02 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<If the MN doesn't know any 
 395  11/02 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Sequence number wraparound<<> From: Daniel Duchamp <
 396  11/02 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) extension placement<<> From: (Bo
 397  11/02 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) extension placement<<While "browsing" the Assigned N
 398  11/02 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) 'F' bit<<Done. I think that there was only one change ne
 399  11/02 Richard Fox        Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<>>>1. Should the mob
 400  11/02 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-07.txt<<> Section 4.1: > Th
 401  11/02 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<If the MN doesn't know any 
 402  11/03 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Ran, I don't think the 
 403  11/03 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<> Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1
 404  11/03 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<I wanted t
 405  11/03 Ran Atkinson       Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<On Nov 3, 7:36, Charlie
 406  11/03 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<> From: Ran Atkinson <a
 407  11/03 Ran Atkinson       Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<On Nov 3, 8:37, Charlie
 408  11/03 Joel Halpern       Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Reading the exchange be
 409  11/03 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<I'll take Joel at his w
 410  11/03 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<> > On Nov 3, 8:37, Cha
 411  11/03 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-07.txt<<I've sent the draft
 412  11/03 Richard Fox        Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<>I don't see how it 
 413  11/03 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<And, it's not quite "rocket
 414  11/03 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<Re: 6. Is 
 415  11/04 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Re: Some topics for discussion<<Rich's note prompted
 416  11/04 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<I agree that
 417  11/04 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Meta-discussion on the "issues"<<> From: Tony Li <tli@ci
 418  11/04 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<> From
 419  11/04 Ran Atkinson       Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<On Nov 3, 20:43, Charli
 420  11/04 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<First of a
 421  11/04 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<When the mob
 422  11/04 Jon 'Iain' Boone   Re: (mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<On Fri, 
 423  11/04 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) 'F' bit<<As non-editor, I propose the following mental e
 424  11/07 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<> From
 425  11/07 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Draft availability; movement of the mobile-IP archive<<A
 426  11/08 "alan (a.r.) quir  re:(mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<I agree w
 427  11/08 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<I like A
 428  11/08 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  Re: (mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<I'm equa
 429  11/08 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Charlie, Tony, Joel, et
 430  11/08 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<> Message-Id: <94110817
 431  11/08 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<I decided to frame the specification of
 432  11/08 Richard Fox        Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<>(In the same vein, i'd
 433  11/08 Dave Johnson       Re: (mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<Charlie 
 434  11/08 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) Gratuitous ARP & Misc comments<<Charlie, re: gratuit
 435  11/08 Tony Li            re:(mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<In previo
 436  11/08 Richard Fox        Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<>One might use DHCP to 
 437  11/08 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<>One might use DHCP to lear
 438  11/09 jim@Tadpole.COM    Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Won't DHCP give you bac
 439  11/09 "alan (a.r.) quir  re:(mobile-ip) A solution for registration w/o HA address<<> 5. If t
 440  11/09 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip) The great Authentication mystery.<<Greetings folks, Cong
 441  11/09 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<A couple of weeks
 442  11/10 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<G'day all, > 
 443  11/09 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Additional discussion topics taken from draft-...-07.txt
 444  11/09 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<> From: Tony Li <> > M
 445  11/09 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<> From
 446  11/09 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Tony, >You use DHCP to 
 447  11/10 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<> "Every m
 448  11/10 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Gratuitous ARP & Misc comments<<> We want robust; we wan
 449  11/09 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) Gratuitous ARP & Misc comments<<Charlie, "Network" (
 450  11/10 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-07.txt<<I have sent it in a
 451  11/10 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<1) I still would prefer to use Key Iden
 452  11/10 Joel Halpern       Re: (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<While I find the notion of a key id
 453  11/11 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<G'day Tony, Re: set values for Key 
 454  11/11 Andrew Myles       (mobile-ip) Mobile Routers<<G'day Tony, Re: How do we deal with mobi
 455  11/10 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<> Well, I 
 456  11/10 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Tony, > I like COAs tha
 457  11/10 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Additional discussion topics taken from draft-...-07.txt
 458  11/11 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) Mobile Routers<<G'day Tony, > I think we are now in 
 459  11/11 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Mobile Routers<<Andrew, On your proposed text: A mobile 
 460  11/11 " "                Re: (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<Recently I'm not able to follow muc
 461  11/11 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<Tony and Char
 462  11/11 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<>"UDP checksums S
 463  11/11 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<Tony, >I don'
 464  11/11 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<>I don't follow t
 465  11/11 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<Tony, > >A br
 466  11/10 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Greg, > I like COAs that ar
 467  11/14 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<Tony, 
 468  11/14 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<Tony, I agree
 469  11/14 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Mobile node tunneling to the home agent<<Tony, Yes, you 
 470  11/14 Frank Kastenholz   Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<> From: greg_
 471  11/14 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-07.txt<<--NextPa
 472  11/14 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) MUST mobile nodes send Router Solicitations?<<Charlie, A
 473  11/14 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<Let me understand this: My goal, and wh
 474  11/14 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  Re: (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<You think that mobile nodes should 
 475  11/15 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<You think that mobile nodes should only
 476  11/15 " "                (mobile-ip) UDP chedksums<<Tony and all, > > There are 4 possibiliti
 477  11/15 " "                Re: (mobile-ip) Key Identifiers<<Tony, I think there's a communicati
 478  11/15 Joel Halpern       Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<In discussing
 479  11/15 Richard Fox        Re: (mobile-ip) UDP chedksums<<>> And the end result is the same fro
 480  11/15 " "                Re: (mobile-ip) Reposting a list, with some "answers"<<Joel, you say
 481  11/16 "alan (a.r.) quir  Re: (mobile-ip) UDP chedksums<<Rich said: >UDP in no way helps with 
 482  11/19 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Tony, Back to this issu
 483  11/20 Jim.Rees@umich.ed  (mobile-ip) IEEE Mobile Computing Workshop conflict<<I know I should
 484  11/20 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) IEEE Mobile Computing Workshop conflict<<I know I should
 485  11/22 greg_minshall@Nov  Re: (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Tony, I said: > Point 1
 486  11/26 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Greg, I said: > Point 1: I 
 487  11/26 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) comments and questions wrt draft<<Hi, Section 3.2: The r
 488  11/26  Re: (mobile-ip) comments and questions wrt draft<<> My understanding
 489  11/26 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) comments and questions wrt draft<<> My understanding is 
 490  11/26 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Additional discussion topics taken from draft-...-07.txt
 491  11/26 "alan (a.r.) quir  re:(mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<> > I guess i tend to th
 492  11/26 Tony Li            re:(mobile-ip) registration w/o HA address<<Al, Now _I'm_ getting co
 493  11/29  (mobile-ip) authentication headers<<I am trying to understand the ra
 494  11/30 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-optim-00.txt<<--NextPart 
 495  11/30 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) authentication headers<<> From: Tony Li <tli@cisco.c
 496  11/30 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) authentication headers<<Why don't we make it our goal to
 497  11/30 "James D. Solomon  Re: (mobile-ip) authentication headers<<In message <9411301503.AA167
 498  12/01  (mobile-ip) Routing Optimization draft comments<<I have some comment
 499  12/01  (mobile-ip) MN-MN traffic with route optimization<<In the current Mo
 500  12/01 arup acharya       (mobile-ip) [Announcement] Interactive Journal of Mobile Computing<<
 501  12/02 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) Routing Optimization draft comments<<G'day Anders, >
 502  12/12 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<At the working group meeting in S
 503  12/12 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Nonces<<At the working group meeting, it was decided to 
 504  12/12 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Registration reply failure code 35<<Currently, if the mo
 505  12/12 " "                Re: (mobile-ip) Nonces<<Charlie and all, First let me apologise for 
 506  12/12 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Nonces<<>From Amir's note, I find that I was ill-inf
 507  12/13 Andrew Myles       Re: (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<G'day Charlie, Re: mobile rou
 508  12/12 Joel Halpern       Re: (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<Would someone please write do
 509  12/12 "alan (a.r.) quir  re:(mobile-ip) Nonces<<>At the working group meeting, it was decided
 510  12/13 Tony Li            re:(mobile-ip) Nonces<<Charlie is correct in that we do need to worr
 511  12/13 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<Joel, Would someone please write 
 512  12/13 " "                Re: (mobile-ip) Nonces patent: I've asked... we'll see.<<I'll like t
 513  12/13 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<Andrew, I must have failed to
 514  12/13 Richard Fox        Re: (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<>In all cases, with any propo
 515  12/13 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<Rich, This is the case where a no
 516  12/13 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<Charlie, My "generic" model of a 
 517  12/13 Richard Fox        Re: (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<>How do the nodes on the mobi
 518  12/13 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Mobile routers, again<<This also seems to imply that as 
 519  12/14 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Foreign agent authenticator extensions<<I'm adding text 
 520  12/14 Ramon Caceres      (mobile-ip) TCP over Mobile IP paper<<A year ago I announced on this
 521  12/16 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) New authentication extensions; Al's proposal<<I'll proba
 522  12/19 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip) draft: san jose meeting minutes<<This is a draft of the 
 523  12/22 Kannan Alagappan   (mobile-ip) updated draft minutes, san jose meeting<<I've made a few
 524  01/04 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Replay protection in the new draft<<I've made a lot of c
 525  01/09 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-08.txt<<I sent this off as 
 526  01/25 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Using MD5 for authentication<<We are following the IETF 
 527  01/27 Ajay Bakre         (mobile-ip) Mobile subnets using IETF proposal<<Hi, I read the IETF 
 528  02/06 "Charles A. Kunzi  (mobile-ip) More Comment--Sections 3.2 through 4.5<<Here are some mo
 529  02/07 jim@Tadpole.COM    (mobile-ip) mobile-ip list change<<Last October, Steve Parker (the m
 530  02/07 "Charles A. Kunzi  (mobile-ip) More Comments on V8 (Sections 5 through 6.7)<<1. Section
 531  02/08 Steve Parker       (mobile-ip) And further changes...<<The Mobile IP Working group's FT
 532  02/09 "Charles A. Kunzi  (mobile-ip) More Comments on V8 (Sections 6.8 -- 8.5)<<Here's some m
 533  03/10 Joel Halpern       (mobile-ip) Mobile IP Working Group co-chair<<Kannan Alagappan has d
 534  03/14 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip) Agenda Items for Danvers<<Greetings, Currently, Mobile I
 535  03/14 Srinivasan Seshan  (mobile-ip) TCP over Mobile IP paper<<As the performance of TCP on m
 536  03/15 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Interoperability testing<<As of now, I am still willing 
 537  03/15 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Agenda Items for Danvers<<I'd like to reserve some time 
 538  03/20 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-09.txt<<I have created anot
 539  03/21 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip) Timeslots at Danvers<<Greetings, We have added a second 
 540  03/17 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-optim-01.txt<<--NextPart 
 541  03/22 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip) Multicast Alternatives<<Greetings, I've attempted to sum
 542  03/22 Internet-Drafts@C  (mobile-ip) I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-09.txt<<--NextPa
 543  03/27 Frank Kastenholz   (mobile-ip) Advertisements and Registrations.<<Hi, I've just been re
 544  04/06 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Advertisements and Registrations.<<[Catching up on pre-I
 545  04/06 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Changes to draft 09 txt<<[More backlog...] I have been r
 546  04/10 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip) Mobile IP Minutes<<Enclosed please find the minutes from
 547  04/10 Frank Kastenholz   (mobile-ip) re: Advertisements and Registrations<<Tony Li Writes: > 
 548  04/10 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) re: Advertisements and Registrations<<>The agents are ro
 549  04/10 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) re: Advertisements and Registrations<<We've had the 
 550  04/10 Frank Ciotti       (mobile-ip) Home Agent forwarding questions<<I have a question on wh
 551  04/10   Re: (mobile-ip) re: Advertisements and Registrations<<> > We've had 
 552  04/10 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Home Agent forwarding questions<<8. The HA either has no
 553  04/13 Brian McBride      (mobile-ip) Comments on Broadcast proposal<<I I see from the minutes
 554  04/21 "Charles A. Kunzi  (mobile-ip) A Comparison of Mobile-IP & CDPD<<The CDPD Forum and the
 555  05/01 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Progress on patents<<FYI: I have received a letter from 
 556  05/12 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Administrivia: Agenda for Stockholm<<[We interrupt this 
 557  05/15 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Sequence number wrapping for agent advertisements<<Durin
 558  05/15 Frank Kastenholz   (mobile-ip) Pls Add Local Subnet mask to the Agent Advert...<<Sectio
 559  05/18 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Draft revision status<<It's basically done, except that 
 560  05/18 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) Draft revision status<<+ Whether or not the subnet m
 561  05/19 Anders Klemets     (mobile-ip) Draft comments<<Hi, I have a couple of comments on versi
 562  05/22 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Subnet model: broken, or not?<<My claim is that, at mini
 563  05/25 Anders Klemets     (mobile-ip) Implementation<<I plan to make my Mobile-IP implementati
 564  05/25 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements, again...<<> > My clai
 565  05/25 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Pls Add Local Subnet mask to the Agent Advert...<<> 
 566  05/25 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) (... your note about advertising prefixes ...)<<> > 
 567  05/25 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) Draft revision status<<> Actually, I would ask that 
 568  05/25 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements, again...<<> Is th
 569  05/26 Anders Klemets     Re: (mobile-ip) Draft comments<<> > 1) I think that it was a mistake
 570  05/26 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Destination port 434 -- authenticate it or not?<<I don't
 571  05/26 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) (... your note about advertising prefixes ...)<<But 
 572  05/27 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) (... your note about advertising prefixes ...)<<> > 
 573  05/27 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-10.txt<<I have sent it in t
 574  05/27 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Mobile-IP for IP version 6<<For a long time, I have been
 575  05/28 Jim Rees           Re: (mobile-ip) Draft revision status<<Tony, I just _have_ to know. 
 576  05/28 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) (... your note about advertising prefixes ...)<<> Ju
 577  06/03 Phil Karn          Re: (mobile-ip) (... your note about advertising prefixes ...)<<>Thi
 578  06/06 Tony Li            (mobile-ip) Letter from IBM<<Folks, I've received the letter from IB
 579  06/06 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Letter from IBM<<I should point out a couple of thin
 580  06/06 Ran Atkinson       (mobile-ip) IBM Patents<<Perhaps someone should point out to IBM tha
 581  06/09 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) draft-perkins-ipv6-mobility-sup-01.txt<<I've submitted a
 582  06/09 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements<<Tony, from your last 
 583  06/10 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements<<Charlie, Tony, fr
 584  06/12 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements<<> > I didn't see 
 585  06/12 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements<<[More on prefixes
 586  06/12  Re[2]: (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements<<Charlie, Tony,
 587  06/12 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements<<James, >Here's wh
 588  06/13 Alistair Munro     Re: Re[2]: (mobile-ip) Subnet prefixes in advertisements<<I think th
 589  06/15 Gabriel Montenegr  (mobile-ip) rfc1256 and agent discovery/solicitation<<I've been thin
 590  06/15 Tony Li            Re: (mobile-ip) rfc1256 and agent discovery/solicitation<<1. An MN d
 591  06/16 "Thomas Narten"    (mobile-ip) Restructuring the mobile-ip draft for clarity<<I recentl
 592  07/06 Charlie Perkins    (mobile-ip) New internet drafts<<At the last meeting in Danvers, I w
 593  07/06 Anders Klemets     (mobile-ip) UDP port in authentication<<Although I now sort of under
 594  07/06 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip) Joint IPng / Mobile IP Meeting in Stockholm<<Greetings, 
 595  07/07  (mobile-ip) more comments<<Section 8.5 says that if a HA receives a 
 596  07/07 Anders Klemets     (mobile-ip) avoiding routing loops<<Section 8.5 deals with encapsula
 597  07/07 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Joint IPng / Mobile IP Meeting in Stockholm<<I have 
 598  07/10 Frank Kastenholz   (mobile-ip) Comments on -10 of the protocol spec.<<Sigh. I just fini
 599  07/23 "James D. Solomon  (mobile-ip) Mobile IP Minutes<<Mobile IP MINUTES Reported by Jim Sol
 600  07/24 Charlie Perkins    Re: (mobile-ip) Mobile IP Minutes<<> C) TTL: Is the tunnel 1 hop or