Slide 9
How do you talk to a smartcard? - (3) Smartcard Communication
Tool pay
You can issue APDUs to a smartcard with the smartcard communication
tool, pay. Here we use pay to access the M-Card.
- Attach your Todos smartcard reader on the serial port B, and place your M-Card in the reader.
- Launch pay.
prom% cd /afs/
prom% ./pay -d ./ is a driver for the Todos reader.
- Open serial port 2, and reset the card.
pay> 2
1:3b 2:23 3:0 4:35 5:40 6:80
This initialize the smartcard. The six byte returned, 3b 23 00 35
40 80 , is called an Answer To Reset, or (ATR). This is
unique to a smartcard type.