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Projects: NFS Version 4 Open Source Reference Implementation

"Simple" GSSD Distribution

This work was done as part of the NFS Version 4 Open Source Reference Implementation project. GSSD is a userspace daemon whose purpose in life is to perform tasks on behalf of the kernel, such as Kerberos authentication. This "simple" GSSD distribution is a stripped-down version which does one thing: translation between NFSv4 named principals and numerical uid/gid's. For now, we implement a trivial translation scheme which just uses getpwnam() and friends. Subsequent distributions may do something more elaborate such as querying a host-specific mapping file, or contacting an LDAP server.

The "simple" GSSD distribution will be adequate for:

It will not be adequate for: For that, you'll need the full-blown GSSD distribution, which requires installing a patched version of Kerberos 5.

Download and Install

  1. Download simple-gssd-02-08-13.tar.gz.
  2. Unpack and build:
    # tar zxvf simple-gssd-02-08-13.tar.gz
    # cd simple-gssd
    # ./configure
    # make
  3. Start the daemon, and check that it is running:
    # ./gssd
    # ps aux | grep gssd
    If everything is working, GSSD will detach and run in the background. It must be run as root. projects | techreports | press | lab | location | staff Email address
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