Sample Programs Using GSS-API to call Kerberos V routines
Simple gss-server, gss-client program
- Source: /afs/umich.edu/user/j/e/jej/krbV/krb5-beta6/src/appl/gss-sample
- Server installed on dopey ($(SRC)/../../../rs_aix41/appl/gss-sample)
gss-server -port 906 gss-sample@dopey
- Client tested from eros ($(SRC)/../../../rs_aix41/appl/gss-sample))
gss-client -port 906 dopey.citi.umich.edu gss-sample@dopey Hello
(first make sure to kinit to get credentials in the SINCITI realm. )
Install Details
- Login as root on the Kerberos server machine.
# /usr/local/sbin/kdb5_edit
kdb5_edit: add_random_key gss-sample/dopey.citi.umich.edu
kdb5_edit: quit
- User "kdb5_edit" to create a "srvtab" file for the app server host machine.
# /usr/local/sbin/kdb5_edit
kdb5_edit: extract_srvtab dopey.citi.umich.edu gss-sample
kdb5_edit: quit
Tranfer the dopey.citi.umich.edu-new-srvtab file to dopey.citi.umich.edu and install it as 'etc'v5srvtab'
- Add the following line to /etc/services on dopey.citi.umich.edu and on all machines that will run the gss-client program.
"nv" with gss-api hooks to Kerberos V